Snakes and Turtles and Skinks, Oh My

Patients at John George Psychiatric Hospital (JGPH) recently received some unusual visitors from the Oakland Zoo: a gopher snake, a blue-tongued skink and an eastern box turtle. The visit was coordinated by JGPH activity therapists, who try to provide some sense of normalcy to patients recovering from severe mental health crises. “Just because people come [...]

Building Better Lives for Patients with Mental Illness

Ensuring that every patient has equal opportunity to achieve optimal mental health and wellbeing is the cornerstone of Alameda Health System’s (AHS) outpatient behavioral health services (OBHS) at the Wilma Chan Highland Hospital Campus (WCHHC) and Fairmont Rehabilitation and Wellness. “The collective goal of our OBHS staff is to create a compassionate, equitable and culturally [...]