Snakes and Turtles and Skinks, Oh My

Patients at John George Psychiatric Hospital (JGPH) recently received some unusual visitors from the Oakland Zoo: a gopher snake, a blue-tongued skink and an eastern box turtle. The visit was coordinated by JGPH activity therapists, who try to provide some sense of normalcy to patients recovering from severe mental health crises. “Just because people come [...]

The Power of Patient-Centered Care

Jody Reshaw had a successful career working in corporate kitchens and catering when she found herself struggling to walk or stand without debilitating pain in her legs and feet. Forced to put her culinary passion on hold, Reshaw found a supportive health care team at Alameda Health System (AHS) who continue to empower her on [...]

Spinal Cord Stimulator Program Nothing Less Than a Miracle

In September 2022 spinal cord stimulation therapy was first approved for use at Alameda Health System (AHS) and it represents an important and innovative option in the treatment of chronic pain. For patient Elena Torres, it has freed her from being trapped by agonizing pain and dependence on opioid medications. “It’s nothing less than a [...]