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Alameda Health System (AHS) and Saint Rose Hospital (SRH) began discussions in 2023 to explore how to work together so that St. Rose can continue to serve patients in Central and South Alameda County.

SRH is an essential resource to patients in Central and Southern Alameda County, and its closure would significantly impact vulnerable populations.

Affiliating to avert its closure is within AHS’ and SRH’s shared mission of ensuring Alameda County patients have access to high quality health care, regardless of their ability to pay for services.

On November 1, 2024, the AHS Board of Trustees and the SRH Board of Directors executed a Membership Issuance Agreement establishing AHS as the sole statutory member of SRH, making SRH an affiliate of AHS.

With this affiliation, SRH continues to be a private nonprofit community hospital governed by an independent board appointed by Alameda Health System.

Press Release – November 1, 2024