Lorna Fernandes


Food Network Star Aarti Sequeira to Guest Chef at Highland Hospital Cafeteria Sequeira will demonstrate a favorite recipe from her new cookbook

Oakland, Calif.— Nov. 8, 2017 — To highlight a native cuisine of one of the diverse populations it serves, Alameda Health System on Thursday will host Food Network Star Chef Aarti Sequeira at the Highland Hospital cafeteria, where she will perform a demonstration of one of her signature Indian-inspired healthy dishes.

WHAT: Celebrity Chef Aarti Sequeira cooking demonstration and book signing

WHERE: Highland Hospital, 1411 E 31st St., Oakland, Calif 94602

WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 9, 2017 at noon – 2 p.m.

Chef Aarti will demonstrate he unique creation called “Pregnancy potatoes,” a delicious dish she concocted for cravings during her first pregnancy. She will also participate in a raffle giveaway of signed copies of her new cookbook, “An American Kitchen with an Indian Soul.”

In addition, the Highland Hospital cafeteria will celebrate Chef Aarti’s visit with hot meals based on recipes in her cookbook, such as a breakfast “Indian Omelet”, and lunch options of “India Summer Stew,” “Broccoli and Dill Raita Slaw” and entrees including “Tomato-Yogurt Chicken Curry” and “Tofu and Vegetable Tikka Masala”.

There is no cost to attend this event, however, members of the media please RSVP to because space is limited.

About Alameda Health System
Alameda Health System, headquartered in Oakland, Calif., is a leading public health care provider and medical training institution recognized for its world-class patient and family-centered system of care. Our mission, Caring, Healing, Teaching, Serving All, reflects our commitment to promoting wellness, eliminating disparities and optimizing the health of all communities in Alameda County. We currently provide more than 4,500 jobs and are home to more than 1,100 physicians across nine facilities, including five hospitals and a network of community-based wellness centers. For more information, visit

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