It’s not often that the San Leandro Hospital (SLH) emergency department (ED) staff is called on to deliver a baby. In fact, they primarily see older patients experiencing heart attacks, strokes and general medical complaints. That all changed in the Summer of 2023 when not only did the team on duty deliver a healthy baby boy but one that was not expected to survive let alone prosper.
“It began when a patient presented with a suspected miscarriage,” said Sammy Hodroge, MD, emergency medicine. “We brought her from her car into the ED and based on the information she provided, it put her at 13 weeks.”
As result, the staff began preparing the mother for a nonviable delivery and quickly located their obstetric emergency delivery kit. Dr. Hodroge delivered the baby who was initially limp, gray and not moving. “After stimulating the child he started to move and had a weak cry,” said Dr. Hodroge. “In a scenario we’ve all imagined, one patient became two.”
After continuing neonatal resuscitation, an emergency procedure used to support newborn children who do not readily begin breathing, the child showed remarkable improvement. Mom also quickly stabilized. She was transported to Alta Bates Summit Medical Center and her new son was taken to Children’s Hospital where both continued to flourish.
“Together we identified some areas for improvement but this was as good an outcome as anyone could possibly want,” said Dr. Hodroge. “An outcome that was only made possible by an exceptional clinical team dedicated to preparedness and to delivering competent, compassionate care for our patients.”

San Leandro Hospital ED Team: Joemeeh Garana, charge nurse; Hannah O’Brien, physician assistant and nurse practioner; Sammy Hodroge, MD, emergency medicine; Juwana Singleton, assistant nurse manager.