Upgrading Alameda Hospital to meet seismic requirements

In response to the Northridge earthquake, California lawmakers passed a law that requires hospitals to seismically upgrade their existing buildings or replace them to ensure safety by 2030. Buildings that don’t meet the earthquake standards must cease operations. Alameda Health System (AHS) is committed to continuing to provide critical health care services at Alameda [...]

2024-09-18T19:00:11+00:00September 14th, 2024|Categories: Featured, Latest Stories From AHS|Tags: , , |

From physician to mentor: AHS doctor paves the way for the next generation of health care leaders

  In recognition of Hispanic Heritage Month, Alameda Health System (AHS) spotlights Alejandro Díaz, MD, program director, internal medicine residency and vice-chair of internal medicine. Born and raised in Miami to Cuban working class parents, Dr. Díaz set his sights on being a doctor from an early age. “My grandma worked in a factory making [...]

2024-09-18T23:42:01+00:00September 14th, 2024|Categories: AHS Newsletter, CEO Chronicles, Featured|

Open Enrollment is Coming!

Alameda Health System’s (AHS) 2025 Open Enrollment (OE) period is just around the corner. This is a critical opportunity for staff to enroll, update and select their benefits for the coming year. OE runs from October 14 through October 28, 2024, and staff can expect to receive their OE packet by mail during the [...]

2024-09-13T20:38:28+00:00September 13th, 2024|Categories: AHS Newsletter, CEO Chronicles, uncategorized|

Oakland Pride Parade Festival 2024

Alameda Health System (AHS) proudly participated in this year's Oakland Pride Parade, celebrating diversity, inclusion and belonging. Our dedicated teams not only marched in the parade but also hosted a booth at the festival, promoting health and wellness for our LGBTQ+ community. With enthusiasm and joy, [...]

2024-09-13T20:36:59+00:00September 10th, 2024|Categories: AHS Newsletter, CEO Chronicles, Featured|

Did you know Spanish is the happiest language? Plus more facts for Hispanic Heritage Month 

The AHS Index is a new way to look at data that illuminates a snapshot of our world today. It is intended to highlight health inequities and spark conversation, debate, outrage, and wonder.  Percent of Alameda County residents who are Latino, the largest ethnic and racial minority in the county: 23.4%  Difference in life [...]