The Wilma Chan Highland Hospital Campus has a new ‘harm-reduction vending machine’

The Wilma Chan Highland Hospital Campus has a new vending machine. But instead of snacks, it’s stocked with socks, condoms, Naloxone, and hygiene basics. The harm-reduction vending machine is free and focused on reaching those who might benefit from substance use treatment services. Both the equipment facilitating safer drug use and the personal care items [...]

James Jackson: Gun violence is a growing public health crisis

AHS CEO James Jackson is among a growing chorus of health experts who describe gun violence as a public health crisis. In a KFF interview published on CNN, he discusses the disproportionate impact of violence on some Alameda County communities. Plus, AHS HealthPath intern Javier Velasquez Lopez shares why a school shooting made him want [...]

2023-11-27T22:45:42+00:00November 27th, 2023|Categories: Featured, Media Coverage of AHS|Tags: , , , , |

Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Program Open House

The Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence program’s recent open house welcomed over 85 people who learned about survivor services at AHS. Included in the day was the unveiling of a quilt from the Survivor Quilt Project, gifted to AHS by VOICES of the Bay Area, a non-profit organization of survivors of violence who work to [...]

2023-11-27T17:37:26+00:00November 27th, 2023|Categories: Featured|

Adopt -A-Family This Holiday Season

Alameda Health System (AHS) is once again launching its Adopt-A-Family program in hopes of bringing holiday cheer to patients. Adopt-A-Family is coordinated by AHS Health Advocates in partnership with the Alameda Health System Foundation (AHSF). Every year AHS staff select a family from a list of AHS patients and provide them with holiday gift cards. [...]

2023-11-20T20:24:22+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: AHS Newsletter, Featured|

AHS Index – November, 2023

The AHS Index is a new way to look at data that illuminates a snapshot of our world today. It is intended to highlight health inequities and spark conversation, debate, outrage, and wonder. Number of turkeys spotted on the AHS Fairmont Rehabilitation and Wellness campus on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2023: 6* Percent of [...]

2024-03-27T20:40:16+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: AHS Index, AHS Newsletter, Featured, Latest Stories From AHS|

The Quirky Turkeys of the Fairmont Campus

Everyone who works at Alameda Health System’s Fairmont Rehabilitation and Wellness campus has had a run-in with them – the flocks of wild turkeys who roam the campus grounds. Some people love our quirky turkeys, others loath them. In honor of Thanksgiving, here’s a round-up of employee stories detailing mostly benign, often cute, occasionally terrifying [...]

2023-11-20T20:20:52+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: AHS Newsletter, Featured|Tags: , , |

Managing Holiday Stress

With the holiday season quickly approaching it is important we take time to care for our own health. For  some, the holidays can be quite stressful and even exhausting. However, there are steps we can take to make the season less stressful and more enjoyable. “Remember we often have a great deal of choice about [...]

2023-11-22T18:05:26+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: AHS Newsletter, Featured|

Trusted Partners in Patient-Centered Care

Advancing health equity is not only a core value of the Alameda Health System (AHS), it’s also a collective passion for our community health outreach workers (CHWs) who play a critical role in the health and well-being of our highest-risk patients and underserved communities. “I know it’s my life’s purpose to make a difference in [...]

2023-11-20T20:20:27+00:00November 17th, 2023|Categories: AHS Newsletter, Featured|

Building Better Lives for Patients with Mental Illness

Ensuring that every patient has equal opportunity to achieve optimal mental health and wellbeing is the cornerstone of Alameda Health System’s (AHS) outpatient behavioral health services (OBHS) at the Wilma Chan Highland Hospital Campus (WCHHC) and Fairmont Rehabilitation and Wellness. “The collective goal of our OBHS staff is to create a compassionate, equitable and culturally [...]

Newly Launched Sexual Assault Response and Recovery Team (SARRT) Webpage

For more than 38 years, the Sexual Assault Response and Recovery Team (SARRT) has been serving Alameda Health System patients at the Wilma Chan Highland Hospital Campus (WCHHC). SARRT is a unique hospital and clinic-based program that addresses both domestic violence (DV) and sexual assault (SA). Being the sole program of its kind in [...]