Working Together to Reduce the Disparities Gap in Heart Health

A person’s race or ethnicity should not put them at higher risk for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD), but unfortunately it is one factor that affects the likeliness of having a heart attack. It is also the leading cause of death for African Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) African [...]

2021-06-24T17:52:32+00:00June 24th, 2021|Categories: Featured|

Add the COVID-19 Vaccine to Your Summer To Do List

With warm weather approaching, and as COVID-19 related restrictions on daily activities begin to lift, Alameda Health System reminds residents to take precautions to stay safe this summer by getting vaccinated. “It’s important to understand COVID-19 continues to spread in our communities and not everyone is fully vaccinated. While we want everyone to go [...]

2021-06-10T17:25:47+00:00June 9th, 2021|Categories: Featured|

Give Blood and Keep the World Beating

Because of the risk of exposure to COVID-19, many patients delayed their care and treatments and now as the pandemic recedes, procedures and surgeries are resuming and the need for blood donations is even more critical. In 2020, over 1700 AHS patients received blood products with the majority of massive transfusions provided in the [...]

2021-06-10T17:27:37+00:00June 9th, 2021|Categories: Featured|

Integrated Care Is the Best Care

Alameda Health System (AHS) is leading the way to improve cure rates for breast cancer patients with multidisciplinary treatment and support. Oncology Chief Kevin Knopf MD, MPH says advancements in medicine and clinical care in the past 10 years along with the integrated care model at AHS has led to better diagnoses, treatment and [...]

2021-06-10T21:19:56+00:00June 9th, 2021|Categories: Featured|

Happy Father’s Day: “I’m her dad. She’s very special, a blessing, an angel sent from heaven.”

This is our baby, Sochi. I’m her dad. She’s very special, a blessing, an angel sent from heaven. I felt the connection instantly, even when she was in the womb. She knows my voice. She knows my touch. We listened to a lot of music together. Being there for [...]

2021-06-10T17:31:12+00:00June 9th, 2021|Categories: Featured|